In order to ensure that we build technology products and services that are truly accessible and beneficial for everyone, we need to understand the unique needs and experiences of diverse communities.

Join our course to learn alongside engineers, product managers, founders, designers what goes into creation of ethical and equitable technology.

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In this cohort, you will take part in facilitated workshops and…

🌱 Look at your current craft through a lens of different intersections like gender, disability, ethnicity and indigeneity

✨ Become confident in creating products that work for the wider communities, and produce positive business benefits by opening your products to larger user bases

🙌 Learn how to apply concepts of accessibility, inclusion, storytelling culture, co-design and data equity so you can create products and businesses that are valuable for everyone

How this cohort can benefit you

This cohort can benefit you by providing tools and practices to create a more inclusive tech sector.

Issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and ethics have been in the spotlight globally and locally, with a 2021 Capgemini Research Institute report revealing 84% of tech employees recognise that their products are not inclusive.

Many people worldwide experience disability, gender and racial inequality, impacting their access to technology. This can result in data privacy issues, biased A/B testing and other digital inequities.

By creating products that are accessible to all, companies will experience increased customer satisfaction, improved employee engagement, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Lead the change as a member of this cohort.

Who is this cohort for

If you work in tech (product, design, engineering) and relate to any of the below quotes, this course is for you!

"I want to connect with like-minded people, as well as some inspirational and ethical leaders to learn about them and the challenges/opportunities that they've faced in the DEI & ethics in tech."

"I have seen first-hand how tricky it can be for less privileged people to navigate tech or to feel included. I'd like to understand the area better and gain confidence so I can make more inclusive product decisions in my work and life in general."